Monday, May 1, 2017


Moroccan Countryside, Monkeys, and a Souk - April 21-24

We took several days to travel from Fes to the Sahara. The Moroccan countryside in the Moyan Atlas Mountains is beautiful. There is such a variety of scenery. From lush green fields to palm trees to dry mountains. We are really enjoying our time driving through Morocco.

Campgrounds can be pretty rough, but they do have all the facilities. Just not sure you would want to use them. Thank goodness the van is self contained. Other campgrounds are excellent,you just have to take the good with the barely acceptable.

Euro Camping in Azrou. This was a strange place. It was huge. It had a large camping area and a closed hotel in need of repairs. They had 3 tiers for camping, tourist class, business class, and first class. Only business class was open. Weird place but good views.

Camping Source Bleue de Meski - The camping facilities were very rough, but the oasis was beautiful. This was a community park and the place was packed for the day. Everyone out enjoying a warm Sunday afternoon picnicking, swimming, singing and dancing. After 7:00pm it was very quiet.

There were lots of lush green fields.

The further south we drove the scenery changed to dry treeless mountains with thick groves of palm trees in the usually dry river beds.
 In the mountain passes we saw lots of Berber tents.

It is a Berber custom to greet you with tea. The tea is very good and it is quite a show when they pour it.
In the cedar forest near Azrou you can see Barbary Macaque monkeys. They are in the trees and on the ground begging for food. In the parking area venders sell peanuts and bananas to feed the monkeys.
 Monkeys in the trees.

 Waiting for food.

A nice man was feeding the monkeys and asked
if I wanted to. Of course I couldn't say no.

 Roadside shop.

Berber carpets. They are beautiful but no room in the Sprinter.

We shopped for produce at the local souk in Midelt. This is a once a week souk. They sold everything from food, animals, clothing, household goods and anything else you can think of.

 Oranges are everywhere in Morocco and very good. They serve them in restaurants with cinnamon and sugar on top.
 Tagines - clay cooking pot.
Three wheel vehicle that is used for everything. This one was delivering produce in the souk.

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