Sunday, November 13, 2016


Glasgow and Stirling Scotland

Glasgow - We only spent two days in Glasgow, but easily could have spent a week. Glasgow is a wonderful city. There are very old parts and very modern areas. The transportation is good with lots of walking paths and pedestrian streets in the downtown area. The first day we visited a couple of museums because it was pouring down rain. The second day we walked along the River Clyde.

The Riverside Museum - The museum houses the city's transportation collection. The building is very unusual. Also the way the collection is displayed is very different. The tall ship Glentee is reflected in the windows. It is also part of the museum.

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang - One of the six cars built for the movie of the same name.

A male ship's figurehead. 

Selfie - Bill and Patti in Glasgow.

Glasgow Science Centre

Imax Theater at the Glasgow Science Centre

Clyde Auditorium also known as "The Armadillo".

Clyde Arc - A bridge over the River Clyde in Glasgow.

Stirling - Stirling is a busy college town. Stirling Castle sits on top of a hill overlooking the beautiful old town. Wallace monument sits on top of another nearby hill. We visited both the castle and the monument.

Castle entrance and the Palace from Queen Anne Garden.

Another view of the Palace and Quenn Anne Garden.

Outer defense wall of the castle.

The Great Hall. King Bill is seated on the dais.

Shirling Heads ceiling in the palace.

A Shirling Head in the Shirling Head Gallery. The gallery has many of the surviving pieces after the original ceiling collapsed in 1777.

Fireplace in the Queen's Inner Hall of the palace.

One of the seven new tapestries created for the Queen's Inner Hall. The tapestries are based on the Hunt of the Unicorn.

View from Stirling Castle toward Wallace Monument.

Wallace Monument

To get to the top of the monument you climb 246 steps in a tight spiral staircase. Thank goodness there are three levels to stop and view displays. The spiral staircase is so tight you get dizzy climbing up and down.

View from the top of Wallace Monument. Rain squalls kept passing through while we were on top and the wind was howling. In spite of the bad weather we watched the college crew boats working out on the River Forth.

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